A neighbour
I grew up in a small village; home to ~1,000 people. Growing up, I was really fortunate to encounter diverse fauna and flora in and around the village. However, as an adult I have lived in towns and cities, areas we would now tend to call urban centres. While many people might think that towns and cities are only home to pigeons and sparrows, many of these places where I have lived support much greater diversity of fauna and flora. The last 4 years we have lived in Europe, and towns and cities with fairly high human densities. Yet, at the same time, every morning that I wake up in these urban centres, I hear birds, not just one species, but several, whether it be a Black Bird (female pictured above), a Swift, or a Redstart chattering about as they seek out their breakfast. Sometimes these neighbours stop by, just outside our window, a small pause within their morning routine. The birds that visit the garden or live in the gutters of our neighbours’ apartments are also a part of my daily routine; I even know the seasons are changing based on the birds that I hear in the morning.
Do you live in an town or city? What birds do you see during your day? Do you know the birds’ songs or calls? There is a website where you can both learn about, and document, birds in your area - it’s called eBird. Check it out if you have time! You might be surprised by all the different birds that share your town or city with you!