Macaroni penguins (Eudyptes chrysolophus), named for their colored crests, are one of six species of crested penguins. Many penguin species, including macaroni penguins, are highly social animals, nesting and feeding in large colonies. Macaroni penguins are categorized as vulnerable by the IUCN Red List. Species categorized as vulnerable…
The endangered Galápagos sea lion’s social nature, boisterous bark and aquatic agility are qualities fascinating to tourists, and the species has come to be known as the “welcoming party” of the Galápagos. However, their playfulness leads to them coming into contact with introduced and invasive species, as well as fishermen. The Galápagos sea lion population declined by 60-65% from 1978 to 2001, and it is estimated further reductions have taken place since 2001. The Galápagos National Park is working to decrease threats to sea lions and foster effective conservation programs…
Northern sea stars are avid predators and notable drivers of ecosystems within low intertidal habitats. The northern sea star is considered a keystone species in the North Atlantic. The species fosters biodiversity by allowing other organisms, such as barnacles and seaweeds, to settle in areas that would else be occupied by mussel beds…
The southern fur seal (Arctocephalus forsteri), or New Zealand fur seal, is known in Māori (the language spoken by indigenous population of New Zealand) as kekeno. European sealing for meat and pelts in the 18th and 19th centuries pushed them to the brink of extinction, but conservation efforts have helped southern fur seal populations recover…
Dusky dolphins are small cetaceans found in coastal waters in multiple regions of the Southern Hemisphere. They are known for extraordinary aerial acrobatics and often form large groups when feeding, sometimes including hundreds of individuals. Being on a boat, surrounded by leaping and flipping dusky dolphins was an incomparable, spectacular experience. I had to put the camera and notebook down, take a step back, and take it all in…